lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Virtual Teams

Globalization and technology have given a rapid change to our world. Virtual teams is a concept that has grown in the recent years. Companies, meetings, tasks are now easily done virtually thanks to the great technological development we have today.
Although things can be runed virtually this also brings along some challenges, such as the lack of face to face communication, lack of immediate managerial oversight, conflict resolution strategy, amongst many others.
Virtual meetings have to be very organized since and well scheduled, as a regular meeting, these ones lack rapid response and face to face contact which makes things a lot more difficult.

The truth of the matter is that globalization has made thing more accesible, rapid, and easier for us. This is something we have to take advantage of in order to better the way we run things, we have access to more information and easier ways to communicate with each other. Eventhough this virtual way of living and making business may seem as practical, its also sad to know that people are turning away from face to face interaction just as it used to be a couple of decades ago.

1. Egaland Brand, The Complexity of Virtual Teams. June 30, 2010.
2. Chistiakoff, Alora. Re-Working work for virtual teams. Managing your business. January 29, 2010.

Intercultural Communication

Communication in international context can be divided into two dimensions:
Interpersonal Communication and Technological Communication
Communication has different barriers:
-Physical barriers include noise, Physical Separation, Time and distance.
-The use of time and how cultures view time: punctuality, planning ahead future or past oriented etc.
-Language Barriers: Oral or written and Nonverbal
-Socio-psychological barriers: Status, gender and age differences.
Communication skills are important in intercultural communication. Awareness, Flexibility, capitalizing on differences and patience are some important skill to have and develop.
Intercultural communicators also have to be expressive speakers, empathetic listeners, informative managers, persuasive leaders and sensitive to feelings.

How can you measure if your communication approach is working for everyone in a multicultural context?
You can test your communication skills by asking others how they feel in a communication process with you. Kind of having a judge to tell you if you are being assertive in your communication process or not. You can also measure your skill by knowing how the other person feels. If he/she smiles or continues to talk, then you’ll know that you established a positive relationship, and you are doing a good job. In the other hand, if the other person doesn’t show much interest, and you feel as like he/she is not feeling so well then you are probably doing something wrong. You can always record yourself, this way you can test and be your own judge.

Not everyone has the skill of comunicating, its something that you eather are born with, or something you develop through practice and experience. Now something much more difficult is interacting and communicating with different cultures. Taking into account that they see the world in a diferent way, you dont speak the same language, you dont express the same way phiscally. A good intercultural comunication has to combine many skills to properly sustain a good comunication process with other cultures.

1. Amasia. International Business, Abril 2009.
2. Kwintessential. Januanry 26, 2011.

Migrant Workers and Expatriates

There are many reasons why people migrate. Violence, Persecutions economic and political instability and environmental issues are some migration push factors. Also the motivation for new opportunities, jobs, education, living, political freedom, are some pull factors of migration.
Multicultural societies are an effect of migration. Countries that have had and still have a lot of migration such as the U.S, are multicultural societies. Some states more than others, such as Florida and Los Angeles.
Now days there are strict laws on migration. It is one of the main concerns of governments.
ExPatriates Is someone temporarily or permanently in a country and culture other than that of their legal residence

Characterize one country and its main immigrants; describe the types of labor they perform and the living conditions of them.
The U. S is a multicultural country due to the great deal of immigrants it has. There are many Mexicans, Colombians, Cubans and many other Latin Americans. They often work as gardeners, waiters, cooks, construction, mining, in fields. Their living conditions are usually poor although they do better than in their native countries. Illegal immigrants often struggle because they are constantly aware of getting caught by the police. They perform hand work or “blue collar labor”. There is also a lot of Chinese and other Asian cultures, who commonly work things regarding technology. Their living conditions are normally good. These last ones are mostly legal immigrants so they don’t struggle as much as Latin Americans do.

Merging and Acquisition

Merging Process can be defined as reorganization, where one company absorbs the structure of another company. In this process, only one company retains its identity.
Acquisition: One company taking over and controlling the interest of another company.
These processes generally involve a cultural shock when joining, since this involves interaction between cultures and we all know cultures are very different.
Name different positive and negative impacts that merging processes can bring to the already established corporate culture?

-Merging can be good because it can increase the economical power of the company. When joining both companies integrates their economical power, therefore the growth of the company will accelerate.
-New ideas may arise; the joining of both companies can give a fresh start to this new one.

-One of the companies that joined will usually be in a disadvantage; one will have to give away more than the other
-The corporate and the cultural differences can be a struggle when working together. This can lead to misunderstandings, disagreements and bad communication.


Merging business Need new identity. Competitive advantage, August 10, 2011.